Published September 22, 2014 by Jill Richardson in the Columbia Missourian

In addition to making it against the law for stores to
give shoppers single-use plastic bags when ringing up purchases, the new
law will also require stores to charge customers 10 cents for each
paper bag they get.
The kinds of disposable plastic bags used for loose or perishable items such as produce will still be allowed.
California’s not the first place in the world to ban plastic
grocery bags. In fact, one of three Californians live in cities and
towns — including San Francisco, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles — that
are already plastic bag-free. So are Chicago, Seattle, Boulder, Colo.,
Santa Fe, N.M., Austin, Texas, and other places across the country.
When Solana Beach, Calif., (population: 13,154) banned
plastic bags in 2012, it eliminated the use and disposal of 6.5 million
bags per year. And that’s just one very small city.
Why is the movement to ban plastic bags gaining steam? After all, they are recyclable, right?
Yes and no. For one thing, most bags don’t get recycled.
They might be reused first, but they often end up in the landfill all
the same. Some bags are sent to recycling.
According to Californians Against Waste, they tend to jam up
the machines in recycling facilities, requiring extra manpower (and,
thus, taxpayer dollars) to remove them.
In addition to clogging up landfills and making incinerated
trash more toxic, there’s the ocean pollution that raises concerns in
California and other coastal areas. When plastic bags blow into the
ocean, they can look like jellyfish — a good meal for a hungry sea
turtle. Only, unlike jellyfish, plastic bags are, um, less than
nourishing. Plastic bags kill tens of thousands of turtles, seals, birds
and whales every year.
U.S. consumers run through about 100 billion of these bags
every year. Worldwide, the total number of bags is about 1 trillion. But
despite their widespread use, we don’t actually need disposable plastic
When it comes to saving the planet, we know we need to
follow the three Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. So what do we give up?
Especially if we don’t want to give up anything. In fact, most of us
want more, not less.
The easiest way to conserve without downsizing our
lifestyles is to improve efficiency and to conserve by not wasting stuff
we don’t actually need anyway. If we can have the same-quality fridge,
car and washing machine, but they each use half as much energy as my old
ones, then we're saving money and treading more lightly on the planet
without sacrificing convenience.
Additionally, if we can "reduce" by eliminating stuff we
don’t need anyway, that’s far better than giving up the stuff I really
What do I want? Nice clothes, good food and gadgets, but not the bags and boxes they come in.
Packaging is used once, then tossed out — or hopefully, if
possible, recycled. Plastic bags simply serve to get your goodies from
the store to your door, and then their useful life is over, unless you
plan to re-use them to pick up Fido’s business on your next walk.
It’s a small inconvenience to remember to bring reusable
bags with you to the grocery store. Because I’m forgetful, I just store
all of my canvas totes in my car and my backpack. That way, when I
arrive at the store, I’ve already got them.
Let’s come together on small inconveniences — like opting
for reusable bags or, at the very least, paper bags — to reduce our
environmental footprint.
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